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Work Around Your Subject

Although the majority of my time is spent photographing horses and dogs, I also make sure I spend time photographing other subjects as well.  I would advise anyone who has a genre to work outside of it to see what happens.  It can lead to ideas that you can then use in your genre specific work and gives you a chance to be creative.  

Photography as a job can become like any other job, a bit of a treadmill , using the same locations, same time of the day, same shots etc.  Often clients book you based on an image or set of images that they have seen that they like and of course it is important to deliver that if that is what they are looking for, but shaking things up a bit from time to time is something we must not forget to do.  We are lucky we are able to do this and be creative at the same time.

So here are a few shots I’ve taken recently on other subjects and if you are familiar with my work you will notice more black and white images appearing along with slowing down the shutter speed.

Fulmar Turning Right

Gone Fishing

There Lighthouse


The Explosive Power Of Water

The Hooked Nose Monster That Lives In The Falls

Using Format