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Why Print?

We live in the middle of a digital revolution, a revolution that is having such a dramatic impact on our lives.  Not since the Industrial revolution have we seen such changes to our lives.

So Why Print Images?

It’s easy, we feel a deeper connection to a printed image than an image we are shown on screen.  A printed image holds more emotion and evokes memories of when it was taken.  Without prints, families will lose memories and events will be forgotten.  Preserving our lives for our children and grandchildren is one of the most important things you can do for your family and that includes images of your pets.  The animals we choose to spend our lives with, where they came from, what we named them, the things we do with them tells you everything you need to know about a person.

I photograph animals because I want to take the best photograph you have ever seen of your pet and present it in a timeless, emotion evoking way that you will see every day hanging on your wall.  That in turn will make you smile and a smile a day is proven to help with a happy mental outlook on life even when our pets are no longer with us.  The print, the paper and the framing all add to enhance the image in a way an iPad doesn’t.

How often do we loose digital images? 

That moment when you wish to show someone a particular image and you end up scrolling through thousands of photos, unable to find what you are looking for.

But surely everyone is now a Photographer as they have cameras in their pockets and are able to record events as they happen?  

But are they?  How do we define what a Photographer is now?

When people find out what I do, they inevitably are always keen to show me images they have taken on their phone which is great and I always love to see them.  They are mostly of their animals or something they have seen but inevitably they can never find the image they are looking for which is frustrating for all as they scroll through the hundreds of images trying to remember when it was taken.  We have all been there so don’t go pretending it’s just me.  Mostly the images we carry around with us on our phone are throwaway images, like a diary entry, proof that you were somewhere, with someone, taking part in something, an image you can share and show others on social media, an image with no lifelong value.  This is great and exactly what I use my phone camera for and as a way of presenting an image, digitals are not going anywhere.  

A Photographer is very different.  When people have special moments in their lives such and a wedding, family gatherings or really special events, they still want something special, something they cannot capture.  Something with artistic flair and technical expertise that only a professional photographer can deliver.  I spend the majority of my time researching, studying not only the technical aspects of what I create, but also photographic history with regard to animal portraiture, animal welfare and behaviour, as well as post production editing techniques. I continually learn from others how to get the best images possible for my clients and I dedicate time to this.  I am continuously striving for the best image possible for the client.  That is why you hire a specialist photographer when something special needs to be captured.

Print and Digital images can live side by side with each other quite happily, one is just as important to us as the other, but only one can turn your house into a home and make you smile every day as you walk to the kitchen for a cup of coffee in the morning.  The other is really just a backup in case of emergency!

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