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Hydestile Resident Animal Rescue

On Sunday we dropped in to the Hydestile Christmas Fair at Milford Village Hall as I wanted to see Graham Cornick deliver his “A Talk On The Wildside”. 

It was fun filled hour where he brought out a Polecat, a Weasel, a pet Rat, a Barn Owl, a beautiful Rex Rabbit, a Hedgehog and a Black Chinchilla for us all to see as he talked about how endangered some of them are, notably the Hedgehogs. 

I was impressed with how engaging he was and he he was able to get across important messages to both the children and adults alike.
Hydestile has been a local rescue centre for wild animals for years and although they are now semi-retired, they still look after their resident animals and take on new patients in an emergency. 

Funded by donations and staffed by volunteers I would encourage you to look them up and if you can help in any way then give them a call.

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