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An Update


Anyone who keeps put o date with my posts on here or over in Facebook will notice that I have been quiet for a few weeks.  This is often the case as I have other work that takes up a lot of my time during School Terms.  So when the schools are in I am busy, off doing other things.  Then when the holidays arrive I can get back to my photography which is where I find myself this week.  I am currently editing images taken earlier this year and have been posting them into my Gallery.  The weather is rubbish so not a lot of opportunity to get out but fingers crossed fro later this week as the BWC (British Wildlife Centre) have a lot of new arrivals and I am hoping to get down to visit them and try to get some photo’s.

Other than that I have been struggling with a ‘stiff shoulder’ as the Dr’s described it, which has meant that my entire left arm is constantly in a state of pain, which obviously makes carrying a camera around more difficult but hopefully this is now on the mend.

The only other news is that I am still getting my images reviewed every month by different photographers and I am happy that the feedback is generally positive with some constructive pointers that I am taking on board and hopefully learning from.

If you would like to add your comments regarding my work then please drop me a line, I would be pleased to hear what you think.  

Thats all for now, thank you for stopping by.

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