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The size of your lens………..

Is there a direct link between the size of your lens and whether you have anyone with you?  Let me explain…..

I have noticed that anything up to a 200mm, sometimes a 300mm lens is acceptable and people are willing to come with you on your photographic trips.

If however the lens gets bigger, and I’m thinking around the 600mm+ size, then you are destined to be out on your own as no-one will be seen with you, let alone your partner.  Especially if it is covered in camouflage.  I will remind you that big lenses in camouflage are standard for wildlife photography.

The only exceptions I see to this are when photographers are out together on a shoot.  Partners can also sometimes be seen out with their photographer husband/wives , but only if they also have  a big lens with them.

It’s just my own personal light hearted observation but I am interested in whether anyone else has observed this as well.  Maybe you are unaware and so I would ask you to keep an eye out the next time you are somewhere where there are photographers, and tell me what you think.

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